Event Tschlin

Festa d'october 2024

Festa d'october Tschlin 2024

With food, drink and musical entertainment by the Chapella 1 Prosit and the Pfunds-Kerlen.


05.10.2024 at 19:00 o'clock
CHF 12.-
CHF 10.- with lederhosen or Dindl
Sala polivalenta

Eir quest on haja darcheu nom: Festa d'october Tschlin.

Sün vo spetta sper mangiativas e bavrondas, eir trategnimaint musical culla Chapella 1 Prosit da Tschlin e da la gruppa "Pfunds-Kerle".

Entrada: CHF 12.- / CHF 10.- cun Lederhosen o Dirndl

No ans allegrain da bivgnaintar eir a tai a nossa festa sü Tschlin.
Giuventüna Tschlin

This year it's time again: Festa d'October Tschlin!

In addition to food and drink, musical entertainment with the Chapella 1 Prosit from Tschlin and the Pfunds-Kerlen await you.

Admission: CHF 12.- / CHF 10.- with lederhosen or dirndl

We look forward to welcoming you to Tschlin.
Giuventüna Tschlin


Sala polivalenta

Curtins 6, 7559 Tschlin

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