Applied sustainability in Swiss tourism destinations

Tourism and sustainability – a contradiction? With a sustainable orientation, in harmony with the local population and the needs of the guests, with well-considered investments and with consideration for the ecological balance, tourism can prosper in the long term.
In order to be able to offer support to destinations for such an orientation, the TESSVM, together with various partners, has developed assistance for sustainable development within the framework of the project «Applied sustainability in Swiss tourism destinations».

Project idea
In order for Swiss tourism destinations to know how to develop sustainably, the project «Applied sustainability in Swiss tourism destinations NSTD» aims to create assistance for destination management organisations (DMOs).
Project goals
- A handbook «Sustainability in Swiss Tourism Destinations» with interesting facts about sustainability in tourism, practical indicators, recommendations for action and practical examples of implementation is available.
- Further training for DMO staff and interested parties on the implementation of sustainability is offered.
- The feasibility of a rating or award for sustainable tourism destinations has been clarified.
- The need for competence centres for «sustainability in tourism» has been assessed and a strategy for their establishment and operation has been elaborated.
Impact goals
- Swiss tourism destinations have set themselves the goal of sustainable development.
- They have a selection of support tools at their disposal, which they make active use of.
- The sustainable orientation of tourism destinations contributes to the long-term preservation of high-quality jobs throughout Switzerland, to increasing the quality of life of the host population and to preserving natural and cultural heritage. By creating jobs, migration to peripheral regions is slowed down.
The NSTD project in the media
Read more about the completed project in the media coverage and communication of the partners (all in German).
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SECO – Innotour: Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus: Reisemotiv oder Nice-to-have? (2.10.20)
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Südostschweiz: Ein Handbuch für mehr nachhaltigen Tourismus (1.10.18)