In the intact nature of the National Park region

Trail running in the Engadin

Trailrunning in Scuol im Engadin
The trail running region Engadin Scuol Zernez offers everything a runner's heart desires: a diverse network of hiking trails with tours for every taste through the intact nature in the National Park region as well as a perfect infrastructure with mountain railways and public transport.

The trail running offer

In the Engadin Scuol Zernez National Park region, various trail running routes are available to you in all degrees of difficulty and geographical altitudes. Always with you: the intact nature as well as the wonderful mountain panorama. And fresh mineral water from the village well.


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Fränzi Gissler in Valsot im Unterengadin, Schweiz.
Trail running tour suggestions

Let yourself be inspired by our tour suggestions. Whether easy, medium or difficult - there is definitely something for everyone.

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Trailrunning im Unterengadin.
Swiss Trailrunning Scuol – Engadin

Fränzi Gissler has been running with passion since childhood and teaches the right technique for efficient and healthy trail running in professional running courses.

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Chalzina Sura-Quelle – Mineralwasserwege Scuol
Mineral water trails

The mineral water trails inspire with varied routes along the springs in free nature as well as through the historical village parts of Scuol

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Trailrunning Packages.

Our bookable offers

Immerse yourself in the impressive mountain peaks, clear lakes and picturesque valleys and be inspired by the beauty of nature. Every step will be an unforgettable experience. If you are looking for a trail running offer for your active vacation, you have come to the right place!

Living trail running culture.

Learn from passionate and experienced runners.

In addition to the intact nature of the National Park region, local running experts are available to you who literally live trail running and will help you with a lot of competence and passion for the sport. Whether it's advice in the sports shop for the right trail running shoe or training for the right running technique so that you can enjoy running off-road even more.


Mehr anzeigen - interaktive Karte
Interactive map

On the Outdooractive tour portal,, you will find all tour suggestions at a glance and can plan your own routes with the help of the tour planner.

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Trailrunning im Engadin bei Tschlin. Bild: Dominik Taeuber.
Sports stores: trail running equipment

Are you looking for the right trail running shoe and the ideal clothing for running in the mountains? Let experienced runners advise you.

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Trailrunning im Unterengadin.
Difficulty levels

In order to better classify the tour suggestions, we have provided you with an overview of difficulty levels (easy, medium, difficult).

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Mit dem richtigen Laufschuh macht Trailrunning mehr Spass.
Packing list

What equipment should not be missing when trail running? Let yourself be inspired by our material recommendation.

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Trailrunning Materialempfehlung.

With mutual respect, everyone has more fun during their activities in the soothing nature of the Engadine.

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Kühe auf Al Laret
Mother cows and guard dogs

Learn here the locations of the suckler cow herds and guard dogs, as well as the correct behavior towards the animals.

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Der kleine Bergsee Lai Nair im Unterengadin. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
Der kleine Bergsee Lai Nair oberhalb von Tarasp.
Lai Blau in Engadin Scuol Zernez
Trailrunning im Engadin bei Ramosch, Schweiz.
Wunderschöne Trailrunning-Einsteiger-Tour bei Zernez im Engadin, Schweiz.
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The most beautiful trail running tours

Beautiful views, forests and mountain lakes.

Gurlaina – San Jon – Avrona – Nairs

Very varied round tour from Scuol. Engadine houses, attractive landscapes, the Lai Nair mountain lake, Tarasp Castle, a witch's slab and the time-honoured Trinkhalle await along the way.

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Alpine landscapes.

Guarda – Lai Blau – Alp Suot – Guarda

«Upwards» is the motto on this intensive round tour. High above the roofs of Guarda, the route leads to the alpine mountain lake Lai Blau. Lush mountain meadows, alpine landscapes and fantastic views.

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Wild & varied nature.

Tschlin – Vna – Sinestra - Ramosch

Beautiful «flow trail» without long ascents with panoramic views past cultural-historical monuments, Maiensässen, through typical Engadine villages and the wild and mysterious Val Sinestra.

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For beginners.

Sivü - Güstizia

Varied circular tour to the vantage point above Zernez. The final section is flat and leads along the Inn River to the starting point. The route is family-friendly and suitable for beginners.

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And more.


The Lower Engadine offers much more for the runner's heart. Perfect public transport connections for carefree running as well as fresh mineral water from the village fountain. Let us inspire you.

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Trailrunning durch die Wälder im Engadin, Schweiz.

Special places in the Lower Engadine. Trail running areas

High above the valley with a magnificent view, through historic parts of the village with mineral water fountains or close to the Swiss National Park. Discover our trail running diversity.
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Trailrunning im Engadin, Val Tasna, Schweiz.

The dancer. Trail running with Fränzi Gissler

For Fränzi, trail running is almost like a dance with the conditions of the trail, the stones and roots that are in front of her.

Learn more
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Trailrunning im Engadin.

New trail running event. Terra Raetica Trails-Tour Festival

A completely new format in trail running! In 5 days, up to 5 varied stages are completed in 5 different regions. Our neighboring valley Samnaun is also included.

To the event
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Healthy refreshment.

Fresh mineral water from the village well

In and around Scuol, more than 20 mineral springs bubble up from the earth, which can be freely tasted at various village fountains and springs. For an energy boost to your trail running day.

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Nachhaltigkeit Fokus Ökologie

Sustainable because...

...the paths already exist and no damage is done to nature from an ecological point of view. Running as a sport is healthy, keeps us fit in the long term and emits no CO2 emissions.