Holidays in the spirit of nature.

Nature experiences

Hirschbrunft im Nationalpark
Dense forests, chirping birds and imposing mountains – the idyllic nature in the Engadin captivates every visitor. Turn your holidays in the Lower Engadin into an unforgettable nature experience.
Kinder beim Beobachten der Natur
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Swiss National Park

Roaring deer, whistling marmots and intact nature as far as the eye can see. In the Swiss National Park you can experience the untouched wilderness of high alpine mountain nature up close.

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Wandern in der intakten Engadiner Natur.

Via Parc Naziunal

Hikers enjoy a ramble through nature that is hard to beat for diversity and romantic beauty. Experience the stages of SwitzerlandMobility Route No. 45.

To the offer
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Gruppa Dürabilità

Sie möchten etwas zurückgeben? Engagieren Sie sich in der Gruppa Dürabilità gemeinsam mit Einheimischen, Zweitheimischen und Gästen für unsere Region.

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Steinbock im Nationalpark

Respect nature: leisure in harmony with nature

The National Park region impresses with its intact nature. To preserve this beauty, we are all called upon to take care and show consideration. Thank you for respecting nature.
Tips for «respect nature»
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GEO Day of Nature

Researchers search for old and new species of animals and plants in the Lower Engadin or Val Müstair within 24 hours. Look over the shoulders of the researchers.
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Hecke in Ardez – Pro Terra Engiadina

The diversity of the hedgerow landscape

In 2020, the first hedge championships took place in the Lower Engadin. Hedges are important habitats for many animal and plant species. The championship paid tribute to the farmers' performance.
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Winterzauber am Ofenpass

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Engiadina Val Müstair

Learn more about Switzerland's first high alpine biosphere reserve, where biodiversity and natural resources are in harmony with their sustainable use.
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S-charl im Sommer ©Jan Hocek Svycarsko
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Fundaziun Pro Terra Engiadina

The Fundaziun Pro Terra Engiadina ensures that the development of ecological values is in harmony with social and economic demands.

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