People and stories from the Engadine

Architektin Marisa Feuerstein in der Jugendherberge Scuol, Schweiz. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
The Lower Engadine is characterized by the unique landscape of the national park region. By the culture. Old customs and traditions. Engadine houses. The Romansh language. But above all it is the people who characterize the valley. Go on a journey of discovery and immerse yourself in a world full of interesting personalities and exciting stories.
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50 Jahre Passlung: Einheimische berichten.

A retrospective. 50 years Passlung

Five people who have had a decisive influence on cross-country skiing culture in the Lower Engadine provide insights and tell anecdotes about the development of the “Passlung”.

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Ardez im Winter
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«Via Engiadina»

A family history of the Hotel Altana

Created in 2006 by the Lehmann family - owners of the Typically Swiss Hotel Altana - the Via Engiadina connects the nature, culture and history of the Lower Engadine.

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Curdin Erni. Bild: Dominik Täuber

In the Snowpark Scuol Curdin Erni - Lord of the jumps and boxing

Curdin Erni has been rebuilding the Scuol Snowpark every winter for 14 years.

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A chasa – Elena Könz Gefühle des Tiefschneefahrens und das Kreative am Snowboarden erleben

A chasa Elena Könz

It's the feeling of weightlessness when skiing deep snow and the creative aspect of snowboarding that Elena Könz loves so much.

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Dominique Mayor.

The village caretaker of S-charl Dominique Mayor

Dominique is the owner and manager of the Mayor Inn. He and his partner are the only year-round residents of S-charl.

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Bild: © Dominik Täuber

The straw man Hom Strom

The Hom Strom (= straw man) is an old Scuoler custom that is always held on the first Saturday in February. Guests are very welcome.

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Besteigung Piz Linard.

At home on the summits. Marco Steinemann

Marco Steinemann, nicknamed «Stouni», is a local mountain guide in the Lower Engadine and loves to be out in nature – both in winter and in summer.

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Cla Neuhaus auf einer der Pisten im Skigebiet Scuol, Schweiz.
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Cla Neuhaus - Ski instructor with passion

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Barrierefreier Skispass auf Motta Naluns in Scuol.

The mountain calls ALL. Accessible skiing

Barrier-free skiing means: skiing for everyone. In the skiing area of Scuol, on the Motta Naluns, "everyone" gets their money's worth.

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Bergführer, Bauingenieur, Bergbahndirektor: Andri ist ein vielseitiger Mann.

Mountain railway director with heart & mind. Andri Poo

Andri is a nature lover who enjoys relaxing on a ski tour. As head of Bergbahnen Scuol, he bears a lot of responsibility: economically, ecologically and socially.

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Xaver Frieser checkt die Engadiner Loipen.
Xaver Frieser: Langläufer aus Leidenschaft.

Trail check. On the road with Xaver Frieser

Xaver visibly enjoys cross-country skiing. Within a short distance, cross-country skiers will find a variety of trails that can be reached by public transport.

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Chasper Planta auf Patrouille ©Marina Gachnang

Hinter den Kulissen des Pistensports. Chasper Planta

Seit über 15 Jahren arbeitet Chasper Planta bei den Bergbahnen Scuol als Leiter des Rettungs- und Pistendiensts. Tag für Tag kümmert er sich um die Sicherheit der Wintertourist*innen.

Drei Scuoler Snowboardgenerationen.
Cla Mosca, Nevin Galmarini und Ricarda Hauser
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Three snowboard generations.

Cla Mosca, Nevin Galmarini and Ricarda Hauser

When the three generations from Scuol meet, everything – not surprisingly – revolves around their beloved sport.

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Curdin hält Ausschau nach Wildtieren.

On the road with the gamekeeper. Curdin Florineth

We accompanied Curdin Florineth on an exploratory tour in the forest. The gamekeeper tells us about the retreats of wild animals and why silence is so important in the cold season.

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Simon Rohner ist Eisenbähnler und Unterengadiner mit Leib und Seele
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Simon Rohner

He stands for loyalty. Simon Rohner has spent almost his entire life in Lavin and has worked for the Rhaetian Railway RhB for over 30 years.

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Storytelling Peter Langenegger

Ambassadors of curiosity. Peter Langenegger

Peter moved to Scuol with his wife over 40 years ago for professional reasons and initially only planned to stay in the Engadin for five years. Peter told us why they stayed.

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Rolf Zollinger in seinem Arbeitszimmer.

Between past and present. Rolf Zollinger

Rolf Zollinger is the former director of the Grandhotel Waldhaus in Vulpera. Even today he radiates the warmth of a host and knows a lot about the time of spa tourism. 

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Architektin Marisa Feuerstein in der Jugendherberge Scuol, Schweiz. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
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The architect

Marisa Feuerstein

Marisa Feuerstein found her calling as an architect in her home region of the Lower Engadine. At most, she would swap her work temporarily for a job as a hut warden.

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Reto mit seiner Tochter

Aus einem Traum wird ein Neuanfang. Reto Rauch

San Jon – Pferdefreunden aus dem Engadin und weit umher ist dieser Name sicher ein Begriff. Seit Dezember 2023 führt Reto den Reitstall mit Saloon.

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Café Ajüz

Herzblut, lokale Zutaten und Kultur auf dem Dorfplatz. Helena Erny

Helena Erny, 29 Jahre alt, betreibt seit zwei Jahren das Café Ajüz in Scuol im Engadin. Ihr Café ist nicht nur ein Ort für kulinarische Genüsse, sondern auch ein kultureller Treffpunkt

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Matthias Feldmann Riedel beim Nationalpark Bike-Marathon

A job that connects people and places Matthias Feldmann

Matthias Feldmann combines his passion for sport, technology and nature to optimise and secure the communication infrastructure for the National Park Bike Marathon.

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Curdin Tones in seinem Gemüsegarten in Tschlin

Immer der Nase nach. Curdin Tones

Das Engadin, so malerisch es ist, kann man nicht nur über die Augen und Ohren erfahren, sondern auch über die Nase. 

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Frisches Mineralwasser direkt vom Dorfbrunnen.
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The mineral water connoisseur.

Marianna Sempert

The Engadine is Marianna Sempert's adopted home. In her story, you will learn how Marianna was drawn to the mountains almost 33 years ago.


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The operation on the Alp Astras-Tamangur starts still during the night.
The operation on the Alp Astras-Tamangur starts still during the night.

From milk to alpine cheese. On the Alp Astras-Tamangur

Tasty alpine cheese: Whether as an appetiser before the main course, as a fine dessert or simply as a «marenda» in between meals – a piece of it actually always goes.

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Peder Rauch auf dem Weg zum alten Silberbergwerk in S-charl.
Peder Rauch mit Gästen auf dem Weg zum alten Silberbergwerk in S-charl.

With passion for the region. Peder Rauch

Peder Rauch is an Engadin legend. The sparkle in his eyes, the mischievous smile and the seemingly endless knowledge about the region literally infect you when you meet him.

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Not Vital und sein House to watch the sunset. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
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Artist. Lord of the castle. Sentinel.

Not Vital

Not Vital, a native of Sentin, significantly enriches the artistic landscape in the lower part of the Engadin.

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Christian Patscheider mit Angus-Kalb

Symbiosis between agriculture and hotel business. Family Patscheider Emmenegger

Nature and hospitality in harmony: Christian runs the "Chasuot" farm in Zernez and raises Angus cattle with passion - his wife Andrea runs the hotel business.

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Biken ist Sabrinas grosse Leidenschaft

Physiotherapist on two wheels. Sabrina Morell

Sabrina Morell is a biker and a physiotherapist. She practices both with a lot of passion. She knows where the most beautiful trails around Scuol are.

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Fränzi Gissler in Valsot im Unterengadin, Schweiz.
Auf einem Trail in Valsot im Unterengadin.

The dancer. Trailrunning with Fränzi Gissler

Running off-road is almost like dancing with the conditions of the trail, the rocks and roots that are in front of you. It's a feeling of freedom and a unique running experience.

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Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin mit Familie und Freunden.

A small village plays big. Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin

Tschlin. A village with 150 inhabitants at the lower end of the Engadine. With a lot of passion, the Fränzlis play the village name out into the world.

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Heidi Laurent - Domenig und Lidia Domenig-Etter.

Engadine craftsmanship for everyone. Heidi Laurent - Domenig and Lidia Domenig-Etter

In the unique store "Butia Schlerin" in Sent you can immerse yourself in a variety of handmade products made of ceramics and fabric.

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Chi chi sa rumantsch, sa daplü - Those who know Romansh can do more. Christina Sedláček

Does it make sense to learn a language that just 5000 people still speak? Christina Sedláček, a pensioner by choice, is certain: yes, it makes sense.

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René Fritschi mit einem digitalisierten Röhrenfernseher. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
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At home in the digital and analog worlds.

René Fritschi

René is passionate about digitization and at the same time enjoys the nature of the Engadine as a creator of art.

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Zur Begrüssung bekommt jeder Gast ein Glas Tee gereicht, aus Bio-Kräutern angebaut in Guarda.

Chamanna Cluozza. The lived sustainability of the Naue family

Nicole and Turi Naue run the Chamanna Cluozza with a creative sustainability concept.

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Renato Vitalini. Fliegenfischer im Engadin.

The fly fisherman Renato Vitalini

The Scuoler hotelier and passionate fly fisherman has built up a second mainstay with rod building and made his passion his profession.

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Parkwächter im Schweizerischen Nationalpark.

National Park rangers Not Armon Willy

The job of a national park ranger requires a lot of patience - and Not Armon Willy has it. He makes a note of every deer and chamois he sees.

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Las Randulinas - die Schwalben im Engadin. Bild: Stephanie Michler.

Las Randulinas Of swallows and emigrants

The swallow is virtually the national animal of the Engadine and has determined the life and fortunes of the villages and people in the high valley for centuries.

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Johannes Studer kontrolliert die Sotsass-Quelle. Bild: Dominik Täuber.

Well Master Johannes Studer

According to the official list, there are 112 wells in Scuol alone. From some of these, water flows from mineral springs. Together with Johannes Studer, we were allowed to dive in for once.

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Auf Jagd im Unterengadin mit Familie Riatsch. Bild: Dominik Täuber.

A passion for generations Hunting with the Riatsch family

Arina and her mother Seraina slowly stalk up a steep slope to observe several chamois in the morning light through their spotting scope. It is precisely these moments that they love so much.

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Wunderschöne Landschaft beim Pferdetrakking erkunden

Nabucco and the Canadian "bear food". Horse trekking in the Engadine

For many, happiness on earth lies on the back of a horse. We, eight guests and our guide Katja, are therefore looking for it in mid-September on a three-day horse trekking in the Engadine.

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Parkwächter im Schweizerischen Nationalpark.

Dream job park ranger With Reto Strimer in the Swiss National Park

With its founding year in 1914, the Swiss National Park is the oldest national park in the Alps. We spend a day with Reto Strimer in Val Mingèr.

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Around mountain biking

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Nevin Galmarini
Nevin Galmarini

Nevin about the flow, his story, motivation in the summer and the reasons why mountain biking is so important to him.

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Faszinierende Landschaft im Val Costainas
E-MTB Tour National Park Region

Two friends embark on a dreamlike bike tour around the Swiss National Park.

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Bergpanorama in Scuol, Foto: Filip Zuan
Trail-Scout Werni Dirren

If anyone knows his way around the trails of Scuol, it's Werni. He has driven down and classified every path and trail in the region.

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