Forest bathing
In this workshop, your team will learn more about the positive effects of the forest. Forest bathing is the most natural way to regenerate the body. You have to be mindful to immerse yourself in the forest with all your senses and noticeably reduce your pace.
Structure of the workshop
2.5 h
Workshop/presentation on the topic of forest bathing conducted by Clinica Curativa
Freely selectable group activity in the holiday region Engadin Scuol Zernez
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
On request, at least 2 weeks in advance

Workshop leader.
Mme Dr. med. Melitta Breznik
Melitta Breznik, MD, our director at the Clinica Curativa Health Centre Lower Engadine since 2015, began her career at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Since then, she has continued to develop, with positions as a senior physician at renowned clinics, as a writer and as an expert for Swiss Insurance Medicine. With a specialist title in psychiatry and psychotherapy (FMH) and a specialist certificate in anthroposophically extended medicine, Dr Breznik is not only an experienced medical practitioner, but also an expert in integrative and complementary medicine. Her commitment to the promotion of mental health is reflected not only in her many years of professional experience, but also in her involvement as Head Physician at the Psychosomatic Clinic Schützen Rheinfelden and the Psychosomatic Rehabilitation Clinic Sonneneck/Badenweiler.
«Rediscover your centre with the power of nature.»
Dr. med. Melitta Breznik
What does forest bathing do?
The Effects of Stress on Health
Stress increases cortisol levels in the body. Prolonged stress and chronically elevated cortisol levels play a role in high blood pressure, heart disease, headaches and many other health problems.
The positive effect of spending time in nature
Tests showed that cortisol levels drop significantly more after a walk in the woods than after a walk indoors. This suggests that nature has a calming influence on the body and can reduce stress.
The Significance of Phytoncides in Trees
Trees release volatile essential oils known as phytoncides, which have antimicrobial properties and can influence immunity. In a Japanese study, it was found that people who spent several days and nights in a forest had more natural killer cells, which combat viruses and cancer, compared to those who stayed in the city. This benefit persisted for more than a month after the forest trip!
Even Short Time in Nature Can Help
Don't worry if you can't spend three days in the woods. A recent study in the United Kingdom with nearly 20,000 individuals showed that just 120 minutes per week in nature improved self-reported health and well-being. Whether those 120 minutes are from a longer outing or several shorter visits to nature doesn't matter. Even while maintaining physical distance, we can spend 20 minutes outdoors every day to enhance our well-being.
The Potential Reduction of Depression and Anxiety
Some research suggests that exposure to natural tree oils can alleviate depression, lower blood pressure, and potentially reduce anxiety. Tree oils also contain 3-carene, a substance that can reduce inflammation, protect against infections, alleviate anxiety, and even improve sleep quality.
The Healing Power of Nature Views
Even people confined to their beds can benefit from viewing nature. This was evident in a comparison between individuals recovering from gallbladder surgery in rooms with a view of nature and those recovering in rooms with a view of a brick wall. Those who could enjoy nature recovered noticeably faster and required less potent pain medication compared to patients whose view was only of the brick wall. These results underscore the healing power of nature and its positive impact on recovery and well-being, even in situations where contact with nature is limited.
The Importance of Green Spaces
An interesting study found benefits in green roofs. Participants were asked to gaze at nature on a green roof or concrete for 40 seconds while researchers measured their attention. According to this study, green spaces have a rejuvenating effect and enhance attention, while looking at concrete impairs attention during tasks.
(Abookire Bsee, 2020)

Team Day Mental Health.
Experience the Lower Engadine as a team from a new perspective.